Apex Home Loans Blog

5 Ways to Keep Yourself Busy At Home During Self Quarantine

Written by Apex Home Loans | March 25, 2020

We hope that everyone is taking the precautions needed to be safe in this current environment. While most of us are on hiatus from work and school, it can begin to get boring being cooped up in the house. However, there is no need to worry! Here are 5 ways to keep yourself entertained and avoid cabin fever!

1. Change up your décor

Rearranging your furniture can be a great way to pass the time and switch things up! You will be amazed at what a difference moving a couch to the other side of the room can make. It can improve the lighting in the room, free up space, or just give you that difference in scenery you needed. Moving your furniture is also a great way to clean up, which leads us to our next tip…



2. Clean your house

It seems as if spring cleaning will be taking on an entirely new meeting this year. While cleaning surfaces should be a recent priority for obvious reasons, there are other ways to clean up as well. Look to get rid of clutter or donate clothes that you don’t need anymore. Cleaning your house will not only help you feel productive but will also help you stay healthy!

3. Family Friendly Activities

With kids being home from school, parents all over definitely have their hands full. However, this can be the perfect opportunity to create new memories and experiences with your children. Try bonding and having fun with your kids by baking or cooking, playing board games, creating crafts, playing hallway soccer, or setting up a scavenger hunt!

4. Self-Care

Although everything may seem to be chaotic right now, it is important to keep yourself healthy and take care of your body and mind. Now is the perfect time to catch up on your favorite show, read a book, take a nap, do a face mask, or take a bubble bath! Self-care is extremely important, and what better time than during a self-quarantine?


5. Zillow from your pillow

If you are looking to buy a home, or just want to browse, try searching for homes on Zillow! You can do this right from your smartphone or tablet while laying in bed. Be careful though, time can move quickly when you get sucked in looking at gorgeous homes!

As always, we are here to help with any of your mortgage needs and are continuing to serve you even amidst the chaos. Please do not hesitate to reach out to your Apex representative if you need anything. Stay safe!