Apex Home Loans Blog

Apex in Action Recap

Written by Alex Smith | April 24, 2017

We founded our employee volunteer program, Apex in Action, in 2011 with an idea in mind that we could provide our employees with the resources they need to support the causes they believe in. At first, it was a way for us to organize when people wanted monetary support of their races, walks, and similar fundraisers. As this initiative grew and we also grew as a company, we realized how much we depend on our community – and that they should depend on us too! With this realization, we started doing small drives to give back. This past year, we had a whopping 30 different opportunities for our team to give back… which lead to 2,350 hours of service.

Our business mantra has always been “doing well by doing good,” and that commitment continues to ring true in 2017. Throughout the past few months, we worked alongside three amazing organizations to host three successful drives. Take a look at how we’ve been keeping busy this quarter through our Apex in Action:

Shoeboxes for the Homeless

With our Shoeboxes for the Homeless campaign, we worked alongside the DC Coalition for the Homeless in efforts to put shoeboxes together filled with hygiene and health necessities. The Coalition for the Homeless is an incredible non-profit organization in the District of Columbia that provides shelter and supportive services to more than 500 homeless individuals and families who are residents in the District of Columbia.

Candy Grams Campaign

In the month of February, our team celebrated Valentine ’s Day with charitable candy grams. All proceeds from candy gram purchases were donated to Hope Connections for Cancer, an amazing cancer support organization based right in Bethesda. Hope Connections helps people with cancer and their loved ones deal with the emotional and physical impact of cancer through professionally facilitated programs of emotional support, education, wellness and hope.

March Madness Brackets

Did you know that 1 in 5 underserved families do not get their kids involved in youth sports because of the price of sporting equipment? Like last year, this March Madness we created an official Apex bracket for $10 where 50% of all proceeds collected go to Leveling the Playing Field, and 50% go the winner. Leveling the Playing Field works through the youth sports community to collect used equipment that gets donated to schools and youth programs serving low income students in the DC/Baltimore area. Studies show that students who participate in athletics are 60% less likely to drop out of school or resort to drugs and/or alcohol.

Share Your Favorite NonProfit With Us

We’re always looking for another organization to support in addition to these awesome ones listed! Have a favorite you would love us to work with? Tell us here.